Here is my another 40 lines simple ruby app, URL Shortener App.
I use a Base 62(0-9, A-Z, a-z) numbering system to represent the row id. And Fortunately, Ruby already has a library for it, The alphadecimal gem :)
%w(sinatra dm-core dm-migrations haml alphadecimal uri).each { |lib| require lib}
get '/' do haml :index end
get '/:url' do redirect Url.first(:id => params['url'].alphadecimal).origin end
post '/' do
uri = URI::parse(params['origin'])
raise "Invalid URL" unless uri.kind_of? URI::HTTP or uri.kind_of? URI::HTTPS
@url = Url.first_or_create(:origin => uri.to_s)
haml :index
class Url
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial
property :origin, String
def alias() end
configure do
DataMapper.setup(:default, "sqlite:///development.sqlite3")
@@ index
%title Klik - Url Shortener App
%h1 Klik - Url Shortener App
- unless @url.nil?
%code= @url.origin
%a{:href => env['HTTP_REFERER'] + @url.alias}= env['HTTP_REFERER'] + @url.alias
%form{:action => '/', :method => 'POST'}
%input{:type => 'text', :name => 'origin'}
%input{:type => 'submit', :value => 'Pendekin!'}